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Week 8


  • Added mocking for various Edge cases
  • Added mocking for various Error codes
  • Added mocking for various Request Headers
  • Added mockin for various Exception Handling

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In week 8, I made significant strides in our integration point mocking project. Four crucial milestones were accomplished, greatly enhancing the flexibility and reliability of the testing infrastructure.


Firstly, I successfully integrated mocking for various edge cases. This means that our integration points can now effectively handle extreme and unconventional scenarios, allowing me to verify the robustness of our systems under adverse conditions.Secondly, I added mocking capabilities for various error codes. This enables me to simulate error scenarios, helping me refine our error-handling mechanisms and enhance the overall reliability of our services.

Furthermore, I implemented mocking for various request headers, giving methe ability to mimic diverse client behaviors and thoroughly test our systems' adaptability. Lastly, I tackled mocking for various exception handling scenarios, ensuring that our applications can gracefully handle unexpected situations. This is a crucial step in fortifying our integration points against unforeseen challenges.